CFM INDOSUEZ Wealth Management - 2020 Annual Report

141 BALANCE SHEET ASSETS (in thousands of euros) NOTES 31/12/2020 31/12/2019 Interbank and similar transactions 2,203,998 2,108,621 Cash and amounts due from central banks 539,700 468,959 Receivables due from credit institutions 3 1,664,298 1,639,662 Transactions with clients 4 3,332,974 3,432,410 Securities transactions 157,741 232,489 Bonds and other fixed income securities 5 156,862 231,597 Equities and other variable income securities 6 879 892 Fixed assets 182,742 180,294 Equity investments and other long-term investments 7 1,065 851 Investments in affiliates 8 1,378 297 Intangible assets 9 41,883 39,772 Property, plant and equipment 9 138,416 139,374 Accrual accounts and miscellaneous assets 50,763 72,653 Other assets 13 33,820 53,336 Accrual accounts 13 16,943 19,317 TOTAL ASSETS 5,928,219 6,026,467 BALANCE SHEET LIABILITIES (in thousands of euros) NOTES 31/12/2020 31/12/2019 Banking and similar transactions 71,715 63,270 Amounts due to credit institutions 10 71,715 63,270 Amounts due to clients 11 5,378,159 5,523,666 Accrual accounts and miscellaneous liabilities 103,682 86,379 Other liabilities 14 58,210 30,230 Accrual accounts 14 45,472 56,149 Provisions 15 14,279 13,129 Fund for general banking risks 16 4,471 4,471 Shareholders’ equity excluding fund for general banking risks 17 355,913 335,552 Subscribed share capital 34,953 34,953 Additional paid-in capital 311 311 Reserves 82,736 82,736 Retained earnings 217,552 160,483 Income pending approval 0 0 Income for the year 20,361 57,069 TOTAL LIABILITIES 5,928,219 6,026,467